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Christian Louboutin scarpe Exagona

La primavera estate 2012 firmata Louboutin non finisce di stupire le tantissime estimatrici che seguono in trepidante attesa ogni indiscrezione ed avere qualche piccola ” chicca ” in anteprima. Anche quest’ anno dobbiamo riconoscere il merito a Christian...

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The only dress code is suitability

A friend working at a top-tier investment banking firm recently phoned me to discuss a training seminar that the women in her office had been required to attend. While the men went about ''business as usual'', the women traders were pulled aside, sat...

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Footin’ the bill

The human foot is the Rodney Dangerfield of the body - it gets no respect. It not only doesn’t get any respect, but it gets loads of use and even abuse and no attention. I’ve seen people perform some pretty weird exercises in an attempt to target some...

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A high-heeled hazard at work?

As a lounge server, Brittany Gora spends a lot of time on her feet, and has, in her four years on the job, had some slips and spills as she carries trays to her customers. So when a class assignment about workplace hazards arose, the University of Alberta...

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