Footin’ the bill

Publié le par shoxshoes

The human foot is the Rodney Dangerfield of the body - it gets no respect.
It not only doesn’t get any respect, but it gets loads of use and even abuse and no attention.

I’ve seen people perform some pretty weird exercises in an attempt to target some obscure muscle, but I have never witnessed anyone doing exercises for their feet.

Feet aren’t classified as a pretty or sexy body part, like quads, pecs or biceps, and they’re seldom visible, so they just get ignored and abused.
A team of engineers couldn’t design a more efficient pair of locomotion tools that are capable of lasting a lifetime.

The human foot is composed of 52 bones (almost a quarter of all the bones in our body) about 40 muscles and dozens of ligaments and tendons, collectively forming two beautifully efficient mechanisms.

Take your shoes off and observe your feet as your walk barefoot around the house or in the backyard. Notice how your toes spread with each step. Spreading the toes helps with balance.

Spreading the toes allows the thousands of sensory receptors in the feet to send more accurate information to the rest of the body as to where it is in space.

Publié dans shoes

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