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The return of McMansions

Though the recession all but left the housing market on its knees, new home sales are being driven by an unlikely factor – the rise in demand for new, larger housing. These houses - dubbed McMansions - are being built in order to appeal to homeowners...

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Lanvin Pre-Fall 2012 Shoe Collection

The evolution of modern technology has a great impact on the world of fashion. However, some of the A-list designers managed to find the golden middle way between the refinement of old-time fashion elements and futuristic tendencies. Alber Elbaz is the...

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Here’s how the morning panned out then

“High heels are one thing, 6-inch studded, zipped, strappy and sparkly heels are quite another. I love a LOOKATME shoe as much as the next shopaholic but if I’m to spend anywhere near 115 on high street, it needs to be a classic. “Which is where the CJG...

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Christian Louboutin scarpe Exagona

La primavera estate 2012 firmata Louboutin non finisce di stupire le tantissime estimatrici che seguono in trepidante attesa ogni indiscrezione ed avere qualche piccola ” chicca ” in anteprima. Anche quest’ anno dobbiamo riconoscere il merito a Christian...

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